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Lower Body Strength Phase with Lower Body Circuits

Greetings Hybrid Community! We’re back with month #3 of our Workout of the Week initiative. If you’re new to joining us, our Hybrid team has programmed a new workout for every week of the year, which have been broken into “themes” for each month. Feel free to dedicate a whole “day” of your routine to these workouts, or supplement your current program with them. They are adaptable and scalable to any fitness level!

For Month #3 of the Workout of the Week, we are going to be attempting a Lower Body Strength phase, combined with some high intensity lower body circuit work. By combining these two training modalities, we are looking to get the strength adaptations of compound lower body exercises, while also toning and shaping the legs through higher intensity circuits.

First, lets talk strength! If you workout with us at Hybrid, I’m sure that you already have a strong appreciation for what strength can do.  For example, studies and research have shown that those with above average strength capacity can have: longer life spans, a reduced risk of injury, faster metabolism, and higher levels of self-esteem! Need I say much more? For our lower body strength phase, we are going to focus on different forms of the two main lower body lifts: squats and deadlifts. We will also include accessory work, especially single leg strength. We love to include single leg strength work into our routines as a great functional movement. After all, how many of us walk on two legs at once?

Next up, we have lower body circuits. Most weeks, these will act as a finisher after our strength portion, except for week 2, which is our power development week. Like previously stated, we are using the circuits to supplement our strength gains and to ultimately build the tone, strength, and size of our legs.

As always, keep in mind a few tips to making these workouts successful. First, always ASK if you are unfamiliar with the technique of any exercise, we are here to help guide you when needed! Second, challenge yourself appropriately. Only you know your true fitness level, so if you sandbag the workouts, you’re just hurting yourself! Finally, strive to make gains every week. Small improvements are better than no improvements!


Zamani Sani, S. H., Fathirezaie, Z., Brand, S., Pühse, U., Holsboer-Trachsler, E., Gerber, M., & Talepasand, S. (2016). Physical activity and self-esteem: testing direct and indirect relationships associated with psychological and physical mechanisms. Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment12, 2617–2625.

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